
In Bed.

Artist: Ron Mueck.

I went to my first dance party in 1979.
I wore a light blue dress that I had borrowed from one of my sisters.
The first boy that asked me to dance was Rex Bayani.
My first slow dance was with Sato Ridad.
In between dances, my friend Teban and I decided to go to the restroom together.
While in there, the knob of the door came off trapping us inside.
In a panic, my friend had a sudden bout with the Hershey squirts, complicating the situation.
We wanted out in the worst way but did not want to be rescued just yet lest the odor be linked to us.
Although I was not the author of the stench, I felt responsible for disguising it.
I enjoyed the rest of the evening though.
The next day, I was moody, quiet and tired.
My siblings teased me mercilessly.
They said I had Post Party Blues.

Recently I came home from vacation to:
-Newspapers on the porch that I neglected to put on hold
-Maggots from puchero inadvertently left on the kitchen counter
- Swimmers ear for my first-born.
and a mild UTI for myself.
And then yesterday, my kids left for a week long "Nana Camp."
I spent today in bed.
Perhaps I have post party blues.
Or I miss my kids.