
Code Brown, Angels and Answered Prayer

It was not a good day for me bowel wise--in New York City.
I was enjoying a stroll around Manhattan with Pastor Rex, Aneka and Flat Me when suddenly, I was hit with severe abdominal cramps.
I swear it felt like labor pain so I started to do Lamaze breathing just to ease the discomfort.
I stumbled into the bathroom in Grand Central Station where I spent AN HOUR struggling with diarrhea. That was no fun.

Anyway hours later, after Flat Me hobnobbed with a few celebrities at a party

and listening to the Cafe Wha? Band in the West Village, I was ready to call it a night.

While Aneka and I --(Pastor Rex had been long gone by this time, but not before praying that we would be delivered home safely) --were on the subway back to the Bronx at 2:30 AM, a bathroom emergency struck again.
This time it was code yellow. And it was bad.
I tried to go before boarding the train, but at that hour, the subway restroom was locked.
The #2 train being rerouted did not help matters either because the trip ended up longer than normal.
I asked the only other people in the train with us --two young gentlemen-- if there was a toilet on the train...
They said:
a. "the only toilet is in-between two trains" (meaning hang your puet out)
b. "you must not be from around there."
I could not make small talk.
My peepee bag was bursting.
My kidneys were aching.
For the second time that day, I was in trouble.
We were still far from our destination, but I knew that I had to get off the train immediately.
I decided to hop off the train to look for a restroom.
One guy asked: "would you like us to go with you?"
I said : "no thank you"
and then just as I was stepping out of the train, I discerned that Aneka and I were safer with escorts...so impulsively I said:
"On second thought...yes, please come with us."
Truly Someone was watching over us, because as we came out of the Subway at 3 AM where thugs abound,
our angels found me a private spot in the middle of large trash bags in a secluded corner in the South Bronx. I kid you not.

Angels Richie and Mike

After I relieved myself in the middle of the concrete jungle--I sprung for a
'Black Car' service in order to hightail it out of there.
After dropping them off, we were delivered to our sanctuary.

I am a believer.

(more pictures to follow)