
Sometimes When I Feel like Writing,

I end up reading instead.
I just read this old essay written by someone I knew a lifetime ago.
(Carl and I  worked in the same Refugee camp in the Philippines.  
Carl's son was one of my pre-school students.)
I like how Carl writes.
His essay here:

Coincidentally also today, another former preschooler of mine from that same class shared a video of her dad's work at a refugee camp in Sudan.
The man narrating and shown speaking in this video is David.
I met David over 23 years ago through my sister Karen.
They too also worked at that camp in the Philippines.
David dragged me to introduce me to people encouraged me to apply for the job to be the in-house
pre-school teacher at that refugee camp.
If it were not for David, I would have probably not  ever have met Steve, whom I met at the camp.
But I digress.
David now works with IOM in Sudan.
Watching this video does a few things to me:
1. It makes me grateful for my life today despite the (air quotes) challenges I experience.
2. It makes me admire people that really put themselves out there to help others.  Whether it's near or far.  (Just last week 3 dads I know went on mission trips with their daughters.)
3. It makes me wish that I did something for the world.

Watch the video here

While we are on the subject of doing something for others, my friend Chip told me a story from his mission trip. My next post is about that.