
On the way home from Rochester today, my sister Charissa texted me this question:

"How was your visit to Roch?"

This was my response:

It was good.
We got there about 3 pm on Friday. Ayo left at 6.
Kay and her husband, Joe visited me at the hotel.
Steve was still sick in bed.
Girls and Julan went swimming at the hotel pool until it was dinner time at mom's.
Then we did our Secret Santa.
Jim, Chari, Erica, Brett, Julia, and Erica's friend,  Ia,  joined us too.
She took a train from NYC.
Joey was working and could not join us.
(We discovered that Ia is actually a relative! Mom even produced an old photo of herself with Ia's aunt when they were 18 years old. They are cousins)
Saturday morning Steve emerged and had breakfast with Kay/Joe and me.
The rest ate at Jimmy's.
Then after brunch, 12 of us watched the movie Unbroken.
Mom and Kika babysat Julan.
After the movie, Gigi and I took Pax on a walk to visit Dad's grave.
Then we went back to the hotel.
Girls swam.
I napped then actually exercised in the hotel gym.
Dinner was at Jim's.
He made a turkey.
Stayed there until past 11 pm because we played a game. (Steve cheated---Kika was in cahoots, Chari caught him)
Today mom went to mass with Joey at 8 am.
Then she went to mass again at 10 with the rest except for Ted Gigi and Julan.
Then we all ate Chinese in Henrietta. Dimsum.
Then Erica and Co. left from there.
After picking up Pax from mom's house, we left to go home.
Still on the road.
Good visit.
Steve driving like a mad man.
85 mph.
My Neck hurts.
I am faithful that we will make it home alive.

Now Kika is driving. 65 mph.
So this is what it feels like to be taken from the fire and put in a frying pan.


Some pics: