
Crisp Fall Weather

Chills my bones.
Before a cup of coffee--I was mentally unprepared to drive a few miles in order to meet Ms. Upbeat CK and my Friend-in-law, DB.
But I got the summoning group text to walk/jog a few miles this morning around a water reservoir nearby that, in all my years of living in this city, have never been to.

My first response to them was:
CK persisted with a simple response of:
"It will be invigorating"

I quickly weighed what and whom I was resisting and realized saying yes was a healthy choice.
I committed to it with a promise to be cheerful.
On the way to the meeting place stopped at a coffee shop and bumped into an old acquaintance. Acquaintance's son and Gabi had gone to preschool together.
I had only two minutes to catch up with her but I walked away smiling.
She has since remarried, and has given up swearing and alcohol.
(she used to swear like a truck driver)
She seemed to be so at peace with her new stage in life. I was not only happy for her but actually happy to bump into her.

After swigging half of my steaming hot coffee in the car, I bounded out ready to go.
We ended up doing an easy 5K.
(full disclosure: 5K sounds more impressive than 3 miles)

This morning I learned that choosing to commit to be positive and healthy is in fact invigorating.

As I go about my day today (and truly I take this day by day)
I shall:
-Be grateful
-Be authentic
-Focus on the present
-Not obsess over niggling thoughts that sometimes snag me, by tossing it out
Into the crisp fall weather.

Be Well.

...this email was sent hastily by chesca from her cell phone.