
Marathon Faith

"Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it."

This is the quote that had come to my mind as my sister Karen and I connected while she kept her daughter Aneka company in the hospital.
You know how I have been trying to live in the moment?
Well this is the moment and I am with them in spirit as they face challenging times--despite the distance between Manila and here.

About ten days ago, my niece Aneka, pregnant with twin boys--lost one of her babies to what is called as twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome.
Because Aneka knew I was on my way to Key West for vacation with my family, she worried that the news would distract me from our trip--they toyed with the idea of keeping it from me. (Can you imagine how selfless she is?)
While carrying on with her pregnancy despite the knowledge that she was to give birth to a stillborn child, she remained positive and focused on her other surviving son.
(Can you imagine how difficult that was?)

She gave birth a few days ago.

This morning however, they were told that Aneka's new born baby, Mikael-- is not out of the woods yet.
It appears that during baby Juanito's death, Mikael suffered a stroke in utero.
The possibility of the effects of this were gently discussed--words so painful that I want no part in energizing it so I shall refrain from writing about it.

However, I will not lie.
I broke a rule I have been trying to follow--the one about not dwelling on the past and not worrying about what is yet to come--I pondered the possible difficulties in their family's future.
It is at that exact moment that I remembered that Michaelangelo quote.
And then it dawned on me that Aneka and her family, of all people, have the capacity to love unconditionally.

Love heals.

Thinking miraculous thoughts are difficult because unfortunately science, logic, and our mental habit patterns promote fear.
Fear gets in the way of love, but let me repeat this, love heals.
Love trumps fear if we let it.
We are all connected. Every single one of us.
So know that every loving thought helps.
Banish any fearful thought and instead let our loving prayer be one of gratefulness.
Gratefulness for Aneka's health, the incredible love and support she has from her family and friends,
The amazing resilience her parents have and have passed on to their children.

As Karen's heart bleeds for Aneka as she questions the 'whys' of life--
I pray that this experience brings them and others closer to God.
I pray that they continue living fearlessly and that they will remain faithful.
I pray that Karen and her husband Rosar, will remain strong and loving as they bury their grandson Juanito Rafael, right beside their own infant son that they laid to rest over 20 years ago.

The words, Thy Will Be Done are much easier said than lived.
I know this.
But it is only when we give up what we want and give it to God that true miracles happen.
A miracle is unfolding here.
This I know.