

Have you noticed that I've not been complaining?
That's because I have vowed not to talk about things I do not want more of.
So when I write about my persistent tuberculosis-like cough that seems to be bordering on pneumonia, it is only to ponder about it's ability to teach me to enjoy this time to recharge.

My husband Steve, is teaching himself to play the guitar.
After work, he gets on YouTube and learns chords and strumming techniques.
I watch him intently putting so much effort into this endeavor and I am left admiring his drive.
I want some of that.
Can passion and desire be taught?
Clearly he must have expressed interest and that is why his parents got the instrument for him but for whatever reason, he shelved it.
The guitar, a gift from his parents twenty-five years ago---is finally being attended to.
25 years later.
What sparks an interest?
Does this mean that the brain never really lets go of an interest but merely files it away for future reference?
He obviously did not completely squelch the desire but rather seems to have accommodated it at a more opportune time in his life.
Timing, apparently is everything.
He sounds really good and I hope he will let me post a video of his self taught talent.

As for me, now that the phlegm is clearing up I may need to tackle that pile of laundry.
I am just waiting for that spark of interest to motivate me.
I really need to put better things in my bucket list.