

There are people that "love" camping and are good at it, mind you (Hello Lewands!)
And there are those that say that it just isn't for them. The camping trip we went on last 4th of July has me undecided. We went camping with the Lewand family through the Allegheny National Forest for 8 days. Hiking, swimming, biking, kayaking, scrambling onto big boulders, squeezing into a pitch black cave, campfires, coin operated showering and eating out of disposable dinnerware.
Considering our house has been without a kitchen sink for 2 months-- or a kitchen, for that matter---
it was not such a break in our routine.
Even the huge deer flies doing kamikaze dives onto us nor the blunt force trauma I received from Team Lewand as they spiked the flies that landed on my head was curiously enjoyable!
Kids running up to me with FROGS and toads the size of a paper plate
and snake catching-I still found refreshingly un-city-like.
But having the tail end of our RV wedged stuck as we backed up on an inclined road, or having to do an emergency evacuation of the RV  due to an "explosion" (that turned out to be a fire extinguisher detonated)
left me a tad on the edgy side.
By the time Steve exuberantly reported a black bear sighting--
I was too spent to get up (read: Sleep Aided) to join
him and the rest of our party watch a bear go dumpster diving.
The kids were thrilled to go wild bear watching, (in the safety of Lee's truck of course)
I decided that Ambien, a bear attack and I would not have been a good combination.
Anyhow by the time we got back to civilization I felt like I had been through a week of Survivor, Amazing Race, Takeshi Castle and Candid
Camera all rolled into one.
Speaking of camera, I have pictures.
But the choice between uploading and living is easy.
Life wins and We. are. RV-ing. It. again.
1300 miles ++
Destination: Key West.
I am typing this on my iPhone as Steve drives this bus.
Alas, 350 mi into our journey we get a call from Erica informing us that 1/4 of our tree (the best tree ever...or so we thought)
has split off and come crashing down.
Thankfully, it lands without hurting anyone or anything.
No kitchen,
No basement,
Soon to be dug up driveway,
and now Major limb falling
is making a bonafide camper out of me after all.
It's good to be on the road again.
Trees Happen.
And until locusts come knocking on my door I will still consider myself extremely blessed.