
Oaths and Vows

I suddenly realize why  watching the disfluent oath-taking ceremony made me so uncomfortable.
I was worried that the fumbling would overshadow the otherwise momentous event.
Perhaps I was projecting. (Am I using that Freudian term correctly?)
I was transported to my own wedding ceremony sixteen years ago wherein I committed the worst verbal fumble while reciting wedding vows.
I laughed.
Picking the most inopportune moment to remember something funny,
I started guffawing. Hard.
I was unable to recite my vows.
Mortified Steve, in an effort to get me to stop--tried pinching my fingers while holding my hands.
The bewildered priest,  summoned my mother to assist in stifling my uncontrollable mirth.
Finally, after a few more unsuccessful attempts, the priest made the decision to 
say the vows for me while I just nodded my head in agreement.
To make matters worse, while the commotion was happening up front,
my girlfriends seated directly behind me became distraught.
As I was doubled over in laughter, they thought I was overcome with tears...
so they cried too.
For months after that I was tortured by the unsuccessful wedding vow scene that was replayed in my head.  
But that is only because I had nothing better to do.
I think Barack Obama has more important things to worry about.

PS. My niece just got engaged.  
Congratulations Ally.  
I hope you make laughter an integral part of your marriage--not your wedding.