
The Double Stroller

At a park.
A woman read a book while her children played.
Soon a little girl arrived with her mother.
Intrigued by the "older" children, the girl started mimicking their every move.
"Majesty!" her mother called. "two hands, Majesty."
The woman- set her book down and called out,
"play safer than normal, the little girl is copying you"
Majesty's mother smiled.
The two women chatted.
Majesty's mother shared that she was expecting twins.
The woman said: "Twins. You are going to need a double stroller.
I have a good one that needs a home.""Are you interested?"
Majesty's mother said: "absolutely, that would be a huge help. I have decided to raise the kids on my own," she volunteered quietly.
Before they parted ways, the woman took the mother's address.
Then she loaded her kids into her SUV, and met up with her husband to have dinner at a restaurant.
Majesty, walked home with her mother and the two of them split a can of SpaghettiOs for dinner.
Weeks had gone by. Months even.
Life went on.
The woman, sorting through seasonal clothes in their basement storage, came across the double stroller.
She neglected to deliver on the promise.
She loaded the stroller onto the back of her car and drove to the address she had unearthed.
Majesty, her twin brothers and their mother lived in a street level, one bedroom apartment-- not in the best of neighborhoods.
The mother answered the door with a quizzical look on her face.
The woman, sheepish about the delay, offered her the stroller as if to introduce who she was.
The mother's eyes suddenly lit up with both recognition and relief.
She invited the woman in.
Though it was spring, Majesty's mother kept all the windows firmly shut and locked.
Ostensibly to keep her three babies safe.
The irony of that was not lost on the visiting woman, as Majesty's mother inhaled sharply on her cigarette.
That night, both mothers hugged their children tightly.

Have a great day, mothers.