To quit a reliable job takes guts.
Some people stay at the same job for years despite their discontent, for the sole reason that they are afraid to make the change.
I always admire people that are able jump into untested waters.
The displacement that people go through during the shift can be unpleasant.
It is a period of second guessing,
mourning the loss,
missing the sense of self and the loss of income.
A reliable yet unfulfilled marriage, like a career--is also difficult to end.
I believe it also takes strength to put an end to such a relationship.
Last Sunday was Father D's last mass.
He has decided to take a step back, and re-examine his calling.
To do this so very publicly--announce your decision in front of an entire congregation--
in my opinion is very brave.
For a priest, it is like a career and marriage ending all at once.
My kids really liked him (and so did many moms).
I hope he finds his way.
I hope he does not regret his decision.
I hope he did not recognize my accent during confession.