

I've finally put the Christmas decorations away today.
I have an entire suitcase that has yet to be unpacked,
hopefully nothing that was wet and needed immediate attention.
Every time I come back from Manila, I have an intense desire to be alone.
(gee, I wonder why?)
My mid-west sister (Silva #2) knows this, but she gingerly calls for a quick check-in anyway.
One west coast brother (Silva #5) understands, so might leave me alone for two days.
My parents (God bless them) wait for me to call them to give them snippets of life in the Philippines.
Another brother (Silva#4) marches right into my home (he has a key) while his wife apologetically says: "I warned him that it was too soon"
but they come with Chinese food--a sure bribe for me to muster some social grace, since I have had neither the desire nor energy to feed myself nor my children.
And yet another brother from Australia (Silva #6) phones me to make me watch his "Haka video" over the internet.
The manila sister (Silva#8) seamlessly integrates herself into my life via skype web cam.
She is still continuing our holiday bonding.
I believe she might be jet lagged too.

Oddly enough, when I am awake in a time zone all of my own--
I become very introspective.
I reflect on what is important in my life.

Like my relationship with my husband and the well being of our daughters.

It is during this period of introspection that I have a sudden need to purge all that is unnecessary.
It is also the time that I come up with a game plan to improve existing conditions.
Basic things like:
1. Family Game Night (we had our first one yesterday--Old Maid, Crazy Eights etc.)
2. Organization. (Meals, schedules, chores, belongings and thoughts)
3. Resist all that is unhealthy.
4. Be grateful for blessings instead of focusing on negatives.
5. Trouble shoot the negatives instead of compensating for them.

That in a nutshell is my new year's resolution for 2008.