
You Might be a Redneck if...

This is your idea of fun:

12 gauge shot gun with 3 1/2 mags

(more videos here)

When I first moved here from the Philippines, the Thanksgiving holiday was very foreign to me.

-frenzied cooking (and cleaning for the host)
-family angst
-clogged toilets
seemed to be an awful lot of work for a day that celebrated the beginning of the potluck dinner.

I have to admit that although I still don't know the exact history behind thanksgiving--I have come to love it.

This year we spent it with Suzanne Ashman's family.
I love making the rounds and experiencing different families' traditions.
(pics here)

Then the day after Thanksgiving we drove to rural Western Pennsylvania for Dinner with Steve's family.
(pics here)

We also went to the local watering hole where Steve met up with some high school buddies
...where I was ehem--CARDED.
(come on--let me brag-- after all i am turning 41 in one week)
(pics here)

And then we finished up the weekend with target practice in the backwoods of PA.
(Steve was getting ready for the first day of buck season)
(pics here)

It made the weekend a regular ATF training session.

What is not to love about eating, drinking and being merry with friends and family during Thanksgiving?
Perhaps one does not have to be American-born to be grateful on thanksgiving after all.