
Thursday Morning Letter to the Blogging World

I love how intelligent you are.
I am not so sure about your rants...but for now they make me laugh.
Your seriousness but quirky sense of humor,
The patience and consistent brand of being, parenting, writing, photographing,
Your human-ness--
all in one, is such a package.

Private yet Uninhibited.

This is a very interesting combination.
I ponder you, half my waking hours.

and I will continue to do so today as I:
1. Clean up around here. (check)
2. Drive to the drugstore to pick up my prescription. (check)
3. Pick up the gift cards I ordered and pay school tuition as well. (check)
4. Attend to that new @#$%^& home pc that has crashed and box it up in preparation for a trip to Best Buy. (got it replaced. now i need my tech support to walk me through the process of hard coding an IP address.)
5. Make a trip to the party store for Gabi's shindig this saturday (check)
6. And if able, do an online certification class. (check)
(for that training class I pretend to work on)

You are an inspiration to me.
You do do do.
You are very industrious.
You put me to shame.
(although I am not ashamed, so not to worry)

I shrug, take strength from positive influences I read from you
and make a resolve to shower and face my day.

P.S. Abaniko, Thank you for grading the writing level on my blog. (<-click on this)
If I knew the email address of my UP professor,
Ricky DeUngria
--I would send him to your blog.
He gave me a 3.0 in Freshman English.
(that's a by-the-skin-of-my-teeth passing grade)