
Rabbit Warren

  1. An underground system of interconnected tunnels occupied by rabbits.
  2. A confusingly labyrinthine environment.

I just discovered that the word for what I have been painstakingly building and creating for Gabi’s rabbit for the past 8 years is called a warren.
(Thanks Alicia)
Today I spent hours cleaning and reconfiguring our rabbit's habitat.
It is a long and tedious process because I secure each box and cardboard tunnel with floral wire. So removing; and cleaning is part 1; redesigning his maze is part 2;
Securing each piece is part 3.
The amazing thing is, once I put Chubs aka Bitbit back in his enclosure, he runs around and tests each and every feature.
It's almost as if he wants me to see how much he appreciates all my work.
Made me tear up.