
Daddy's Home (The Movie)

Last night, we went to see the movie, Daddy's Home (starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg)
Not your usual Monday night activity but it just worked with our schedule.
Plus, it saved me from having to make dinner.
Popcorn might be considered a vegetable. (Unless you subscribe to the school of thought that believes corn is not a vegetable and is a worthless grain--in which case, never mind.)

All four of us liked the movie. We literally Lol'd the entire time.
This morning I decided to look up the reviews of the movie.
I was surprised to see that the first review I pulled up did not recommend this movie due to vulgar language, and crude content.
Then I looked to see what site I was on and realized that I was on a Christian website.
I quickly did a recall of what they may have been taking about and I agree that there was vulgar and crude content.
I wonder if the reason I was not disturbed is because I am a somewhat vulgar and crude Christian.
Seems like an oxymoron.