
Kika's second deer in her life.

No Nick, she did not sneak up on this deer and strangle it.
For those of you unschooled in deer hunting--
After you shoot a deer, you field dress it (cut its belly open and remove all the organs)
Then, you hang it on a tree so that all the blood drains out.

More and more I am less against deer hunting and eating deer meat, knowing that this food source did not suffer in the process of nourishing me. On the other hand,
My friend CK just informed me of how Veal (which is young cow meat) is made tender.
Baby cows are basically imprisoned in a small enclosure so that they don’t move and develop muscles. I had no idea. (Thankfully I do not happen to be a veal aficionado)
This knowledge is making me understand vegans and vegetarians.
I get it.