I have been doing the practical work on a couple of principles that I have been studying from the book Untethered Soul by Michael Singer.
When we decide strongly about what we "like" and "don't like," we open and close our hearts to various experiences in life.
When the heart is open, our energy flows.
When the heart is closed, our energy becomes blocked.
The key to having boundless energy is to stop stating or labeling what you like and don't like.
Literally, if you stop captioning life with even seemingly benign statements like:
"It is so annoying"
"That is a too long trip to make."
"It is inconvenient"
"I am uncomfortable"
"This line is too long"
"I hate the cold"
"I don't like to drive"
"I dread that"
"I don't want to"
-you experience inner peace.
I've been testing it out and it works.
It is how I was able to raise over $4000.00 for the typhoon victims in the Philippines.
It is how I was able to enjoy 23 hours in Chicago and 24 hours in Punxsutawney during the Thanksgiving weekend.
We travelled by car with a driving-machine-husband, two teenage girls, a gassy dog and a bunny.
It is how I was able to do major yard work before the snow hit.
It is how I was able to run 10 miles on my birthday.
It is how I was able to bedeck the halls with boughs of holly.
It is how I have been able to keep up with the needs and the parental resilience necessary for raising teenage daughters.
It is how I've been able to supervise "boys and girls" parties held here for large groups of children. (Gabi just celebrated her 13th, last friday)
It is how I ended up in a himalayan salt cave, one mile from my house the morning after Gabi's party.
And it is how I drove an hour each way to visit my hip replaced father-in-law (feeling all heroic until my sis-in-law, showed up driving from 2 1/2 hours away :))
But how about when something manages to disturb your peace?
Stay tuned, I will write about that.
But for now I have to end this post to attend to getting my driver's license renewed (something I would have dreaded attending to in the past)
After a successful trip to the DMV, I picked Kika up from school.
Once she jumped into the car, she asked me if we could drive straight to a store and buy dress shoes that she needs for tonight.
Yes, tonight.
I found out only last night that she is playing her flute at Phipps.
But in the interest of keeping energy flowing, I did not freak out about a conflict in schedule but instead I took several calming breaths before making alternative arrangements and asking my children to do better at keeping me informed of their schedule.
Anyhow, an hour ago I took her to the store where she picked out a pair of heels.
They were not what I wanted her to get, but again, I am learning (albeit slowly) to give up control over things that will not harm nor matter in the big scheme of things.
Again, it is the opening of the heart that allows me this energy to go with the flow.
I love having energy.
It is why I am going to do my best to keep my heart open to all things, yes, even to very high heels on my 15 year old daughter.