Thank You for another day to be with my family .
Thank you for providing for all our needs and for all our blessings.
Thank you for all the love and support we experience daily.
Please forgive me for anything I may have thought or done that did not please You.
Let me confess it and receive Your forgiveness.
Thank you for being a forgiving God.
Please broaden my mind that I may be less judgmental.
Help me to be my best self.
Let me lean on the Holy Spirit for constant guidance.
Help me be productive.
Help me be a focused listener.
Let me not complain about things I have no control over.
Help me turn away from the need to be right or acknowledged.
Please help me to live my life with plenty of gratitude and love.
Clear my mind so that I can hear from You.
Guide that all my thoughts, words and actions be in accordance with Your will.
Please bless me, that I may be a blessing to others.
Let me be a peaceful and encouraging person.
Please help those who don't know to turn to You for comfort and support.
I believe that You can change all things.
Thank You for inspiring change in me.
I am thankful for the faith I have in You.
Please continue to keep my entire family safe from all kinds of danger.
Bless our marriage and remind us of Your constant presence.
Guide us as we parent our children and help us as we deal with our emotional reactions to parenting. Let love be our guide at all times.
I pray for the rest of our families and our friends and for each member of their households.
I ask for peace, love, and joy in their homes and pray that they have what they need.
Help me to remember that there is not a problem, circumstance, or situation that You won't handle for me--and that I just have to surrender it all to you.
My worries belong to You.
Nothing belongs to me, not even the good.
Help me to remain unattached to the highs and lows of life so that I can keep my focus on You.
I pray for everyone I think of or come into contact with.
I pray that every interaction I have today spreads Your love.
in Jesus' name,
School year 2013-2014