When babies cry we go through a checklist of the possible reasons for their discomfort.
Hunger, a dirty diaper, gas, gum ache, or sleepiness are the usual reasons.
As grown ups, we often forget to go through our own checklist to understand ourselves when we feel off.
When I felt like curling up in bed after this morning's drop-off, I became a bit alarmed.
An oh-no-not-you-again sensation came over me.
Being in bed when in it is not bed time reminds me of being depressed.
So I went through my own checklist of things to keep me upright and did them.
After a process of elimination and a second shower, I realized that I am just tired.
Being tired is not the same as being depressed.
Needing a nap is not a sign of depression.
Sometimes, napping can be just the recharge one needs for more living.