I had to because it was such a beautiful and mild day--and I had spent most of it indoors cleaning toilets and scrubbing floors. (although I did take a break to go out to lunch with Steve--who happened to be in the neighborhood)
After a bit more cleaning and laundry switching, I went for a run.
I am now in the habit of reciting the "Lord's Prayer" while running.
It clears my mind and helps me keep going--especially on days that I don't really feel like running.
I have not been able to keep running regularly during the winter.
I admire people that are able to keep their commitment to running despite the unfavorable conditions!
Every time I drive by people running in the freezing temperatures I feel like beeping my horn and cheering them on. (Even my daughters have started pointing them out since they know how I feel)
I resist the urge to do so, but instead I say a silent prayer blessing them.
Now I know that might sound weird--but so what?
This world needs more positive vibes.