
Went to a lecture given by 'Eat, Pray, Love' author Elizabeth Gilbert.

"A crisis is merely a puzzle with drama."

...is one of the nuggets from the evening that stuck with me.

Remove drama and all of life's hiccups are merely puzzles to attend to immediately or set aside for later.
If we set it aside for later
with 'a kiss on the forehead' and good intentions, it will
resolve itself.
Every single day I am discovering this.
I am living proof of it.

Can not write in detail about this because I am tapping this post out on my cell phone but in case you need a few guidelines that I am absolutely emphatic about, here it is.

1. Be thankful for everything. Even life's hiccups teach us something. Take a second to guess what it is.
2. State what you want. Do not tell and retell what you don't want.
3. When a hiccup has presented itself, think immediately of one thing that makes you happy.

#3 may seem tricky and a bit on the cosmic and slightly demented approach but I am guaranteeing 100% results.
It is absolutely insane how the mind works.
To give you a concrete example:

Let's say I was dog sitting a good friend's puppy and find a third pile of dog sh** smooshed
underneath my bare foot. Instead of thinking of euthanizing the dog I immediately think in rapid succession:
-thank goodness I did not have socks on!
-thank you puppy for sh**ing on tile and not carpet!
-I am so glad to have a fairly housetrained dog of my own!

By the time I am done with my litany of good thoughts my foot is washed, the area sanitized and all is well in my world.

And mind you, the good thought does not even need to be related to the event.

For example, if the sh** smeared under my bare foot on tile happened,
a non-sequitor good thought could be something as unrelated as a memory of a fantastic "O."
(my sister Karen has many of these...)

I am telling you, it works.