

"How you spend your days is how you spend your life."~Glenn
I am either sleeping
trying to clean
trying to work
making plans with people
trying to sleep...while wishing I did not make the plans
meeting up with people (albeit begrudgingly)
and then
being happy in the end that I did.
Is that too long to put on my tombstone?
I have been cleaning like a mad woman.
I was scrubbing and cleaning
in fast motion from 8 am until 5 pm until I was stopped dead in my tracks by a jolt to my senses. No really. Literally--electrocuted by a light fixture on the ceiling of our back porch.
So not only was I balancing precariously but I had to nail my landing as I involuntarily dismounted from my makeshift scaffolding.
Nothing like a little shock therapy to get me ready for the weekend.
We are having a few people over to watch the Pacquiao-Cotto fight on HBO.
To maximize our viewing pleasure, we suddenly started rearranging furniture.
Rearranging furniture exposed a need for a gun safe for my husband who hunts and gathers.
Three hours later,
Steve "TheStrong" Bowsman, who has enlisted the help of Ayo, my welterweight brother and I are endeavoring to carry an extremely heavy safe.
As we are struggling to get it down some pretty steep concrete steps leading to our basement,
I get my right hand wedged between 600 lbs of steel and a brick wall.
As my team worries about not being flattened out by their load, they quickly adjust, to free my hand.
(Being a lefty, I consider the blood on my right hand a minor snafu)
Unfortunately as they cast the burden off of my hand, my foot gets in the way.
Do not ask me how.
It happened with pacquiao-like speed.
I heard the crunch before I actually felt it.
And then I screamed. Like a girl.
Someone threw in the towel.
(I think Kika was in my corner)
I was escorted out of the rink of steel, bricks and concrete steps-- as the two men I am closest to seemed almost incredulous that I was KOed pretty quickly.
After icing it immediately and spousal examination it has been determined that none of my toenails have met their demise.
No bones broken either, just veins that turned my foot a beautiful black and blue.
I have gotten myself electrocuted and have sparred with steel.
All for the sake of home improvement.
Steve said: "If I thought you were going to get your hand and foot in the way, I would not have asked you to help."

I hope the Pacquiao fight makes all this burst of productivity painworthy.