

-Take it one day at a time.
-Put things in perspective.
-Life is too short.
-Be grateful.
-Count your blessings.
-Would you rather be facing this, or be surrounded by R.O.U.S. 
(Rodents of Unusual Size)?

These are just one of the many mantras I used to nebulize my thoughts before my presentation last saturday.   
Public speaking is like an extreme sport. If you survive it without permanent damage, the experience is absolutely amazing.
Is the gratification one gets from it, directly proportional to the fear one has from it?

I bet my dad's illness would cure me of my phobia of rats in a heartbeat.  
I would rather be surrounded by R.O.U.S. than have my father be in pain.

(ski 2009 pictures here)
(workshop pictures will be posted here)