
ESFJ (Now with Pictures!!!)

"Now that we have a big family, are we going to get a van?"

According to the Myers-Briggs personality test --I am an ESFJ.

Apparently an ESFJ type embraces
A spring concert,
Grandparents' day-- Hosting MIL.
A trip to an amusement park.
A baseball game.
A Joel, Wen, Nicole and Ned Beltran visit for memorial day weekend.
Traveling 130 miles for MIL's birthday.
A large family.
(The Silvas have arrived from Manila)

Every ESFJ needs a break, I have found peace at a cemetery--
snoozing while the girls catch tadpoles.
Also, my blonde phase is done.
Pictures of my new hair here.

Take the personality test here.