
The Untethered Soul (Revisited)

If we stop qualifying the conditions that will make us happy, we can actually choose to be in a constant state of happiness. We can make the choice to make happiness unconditional.

Energy grows when you choose to keep your heart open

How to keep the heart open?
When you feel brain keeps telling you 
"what you don't enjoy" --turn away from it.

That voice that constantly reminds you of what you don't like is an energy zapper.
It is like a passive-aggressive friend that you must either get rid of,  or regulate exposure to. 

Notice, relax and release everything.

And then start your litany of gratefulness.
And I mean everything.
Scrape all the nooks and crannies of your life for things to be thankful for.
Do not waste a morsel of blessing.

The results are amazing.

Focus on what you want.